Petite Quartet, also known as Tiny Tarts, are a delicious and popular dessert that consists of four bite-sized tarts. These mini tarts come in a variety of flavors, making them a perfect dessert option for those who want to try multiple flavors in one sitting.
The tarts are typically made with a buttery and flaky crust that is filled with a sweet and flavorful filling and this set consisted of 4 different flavours, which are Nutty Nutella, Tropical Tango, Berry Bliss, Sea Salt Sensation.
The tarts are typically made with a buttery and flaky crust that is filled with a sweet and flavorful filling and this set consisted of 4 different flavours, which are Nutty Nutella, Tropical Tango, Berry Bliss, Sea Salt Sensation.
Inquiry - Petite Quartet (Tiny Tarts)